5 Ply Coopworth Gansey - Owl Pass

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very dark blue gansey 2019 skeined.jpg
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5 Ply Coopworth Gansey - Owl Pass


When I was still working on the small cruise ship I was lucky enough to get to dive near Owl Pass in Misty Fjords National Monument in Southeast Alaska at a site referred to as the “Tunicate Wall”. The steep sides of the pass continue underwater to a depth of nearly two-thousand feet, but the first ten feet of water, full of plankton and peaty run-off from the surrounding forest, blocks the light, turning a mid-morning dive into what was functionally a night dive.

This is the Basalt colorway overdyed with indigo to a very deep blue. Peaty hints of Basalt peer through the indigo, lending depth and a bit more shadow. The third photo shows a skein of Owl Pass next to a skein of Penobscot Bay for comparison.

240 yards each

There are two skeins remaining in this dyelot. If you are planning a gansey and interested in this colorway, feel free to email me to discuss.

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