Vote Cards round 2

by Sarah Lake Upton in


The response last week to my offer of postcards has been so lovely! I printed until I was out of paper, and then I ordered more, which has arrived just in time for another weekend weekend printing, along with my slightly fancier dark blue ink. I pulled a few test prints with the new ink last night, and I really love the results!


The prints I made last weekend went into the mail at the end of the week. If you ordered prints they should be in your mailbox early this week. I should have done little more research before I packaged them for shipping however: it turns out that bundles of 10 can be sent as regular mail, but bundles of 20 are thick enough that they become "packages” which cost way more to ship. So, this batch will be packaged in bundles of 10, but please order as many bundles of 10 as you think you can write.


I can’t speak for anyone else, but my best cure for anxiety is action. Keep writing postcards!


by Sarah Lake Upton in


I’m dusting off the block print and turning my shop over to make “vote” postcards. Request a set here.

If you would like to know where to send postcards, Postcards to Voters is a great organization, though I have heard of people sending postcards through other groups. To be clear, I am creating these postcards to support greater equality, environmental protections, and a stronger social safety net. Black Lives Matter. Climate changes is real. Women are full human beings. Health care is a human right. If you are planning to send postcards via an organization that disagrees with any of those statements, please do not request my postcards.

Cards are free, though donations are always appreciated, and will go towards more printing and shipping supplies.